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Най-красивите споделени офиси в света

Най-красивите споделени офиси в света

According to Deskmag’s Global Working Survey 2017, there has been a global increase of 5,500 coworking spaces from 5,800 to 11,300 since 2014, projected to reach 13,800 in 2017.

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Наръчник на купувача: В избиране на перфектните слушалки

Наръчник на купувача: В избиране на перфектните слушалки

What do you look for in headphones and earphones? While there are many models to choose from, your planned use should help greatly to narrow your choices.

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5-те най-чести грешки при избора на обектив

5-те най-чести грешки при избора на обектив

The day you’re finally in the market for a new camera gear is certainly an exciting one when you’re a photographer. Visions dance in your head of all the killer shots you’ll be capturing with a sleek new set-up.

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Как да разбера коя операционна система е най-добра за мен?

Как да разбера коя операционна система е най-добра за мен?

One of the most important things to consider when choosing a smartphone is what type of Operating System (OS) the phone is going to use to function. This is going to determine the look and feel of the phone as well as its abilities as a smartphone.

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