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Начало Книги, Играчки & Пъзели Художествена литература American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History

American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History

15.75 лв.

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  • ISBN:
  • Издателство:
    William Morrow; First Edition edition
  • Автор:
    Chris Kyle
  • Размери:
    9.1 x 6.3 x 1.4
  • Брой страници:
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He is the deadliest American sniper ever, called “the devil” by the enemies he hunted and “the legend” by his Navy SEAL brothers . . . From 1999 to 2009, U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle recorded the most career sniper kills in United States military history. The Pentagon has officially confirmed more than 150 of Kyles kills (the previous American record was 109), but it has declined to verify the astonishing total number for this book. Iraqi insurgents feared Kyle so much they named him al-Shaitan (“the devil”) and placed a bounty on his head. Kyle earned legendary status among his fellow SEALs, Marines, and U.S. Army soldiers, whom he protected with deadly accuracy from rooftops and stealth positions. Gripping and unforgettable, Kyle’s masterful account of his extraordinary battlefield experiences ranks as one of the great war memoirs of all time. A native Texan who learned to shoot on childhood hunting trips with his father, Kyle was a champion saddle-bronc rider prior to joining the Navy. After 9/11, he was thrust onto the front lines of the War on Terror, and soon found his calling as a world-class sniper who performed best under fire. He recorded a personal-record 2,100-yard kill shot outside Baghdad; in Fallujah, Kyle braved heavy fire to rescue a group of Marines trapped on a street; in Ramadi, he stared down insurgents with his pistol in close combat. Kyle talks honestly about the pain of war—of twice being shot and experiencing the tragic deaths of two close friends. American Sniper also honors Kyles fellow warriors, who raised hell on and off the battlefield. And in moving first-person accounts throughout, Kyles wife, Taya, speaks openly about the strains of war on their marriage and children, as well as on Chris. Adrenaline-charged and deeply personal, American Sniper is a thrilling eyewitness account of war that only one man could tell.

от GDPR 21-05-2018, 08 Дек 2014

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от GDPR 21-05-2018, 04 Дек 2014

Olumlu yorumlar satışların hızlıca artmasında önemli rol oynayabilir.

от GDPR 21-05-2018, 28 Ное 2014

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от GDPR 21-05-2018, 19 Ное 2014

Puan verme özelliği sayesinde müşterilerinize ürünleri değerlendirme fırsatı sunuyorsunuz. Böylece potansyel müşteriler daha rahat karar verebilecekler.

от GDPR 21-05-2018, 17 Ное 2014

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